One of the most complex and complicated medical domains, Yashoda Neurosurgery is a truly state-of-the-art centre with renowned experts from the country's premier institutes performing surgeries, a competent team of neuro physicians providing round the clock support and facilities on par with the best in the world.
The Neurosurgery facility at the Yashoda has a dedicated Critical Care Unit with Ventilators, Online Monitors, ICP Monitors, Central Oxygen & Suction, Operating Zeiss & Leica Microscopes, Neuro-endoscopes, Head Fixation System with self-retaining Retractor, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), Dual Source CT Scan 1.5 T MRI, Image Intensifier TV and a Radionics Stereo tactic Surgery Frame.
The centre for Neurosurgery specializes in the treatment of various disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, muscles and nerves.
Gynaec cancer management
We have done work for Arogya sree